
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Everything's Peachy... if by "Peachy" You Mean Hemlock - 2015 - Updated #87

There's no "race problem" in America.  We all have black friends.  I even have more than I need.  [I call some of them relatives.]  Dr. King's dream has not become a nightmare.  It's become a dytopian vision of future that simply dresses the dark past in new fangled rags. - Leroy 16, Aug. 2014

From TheDailyBeast:  Fear of a dominant black woman, as seen in Serena Williams.

From Truthout:  In praise of Bree Newsome.

From TheAtlantic: Ta-Nehisi Coates on the Confederate flag.

From TheWashingtonPost:  Baltimore cop talks a horror show.

From TIME via RSN:  Baltimore is just the beginning.

From RSN:  Outrageous reasons cops gave for killing unarmed citizens.

From Truthout:  Swimming while black.

From Truthout:  Black and the U.S. military.

From GuardianUK: Banks targeted Black people with bad term loans - I think Rev. Jesse Jackson revealed this over a decade ago.

From Bloomberg:  How many indeed.

From TheAtlantic: Take it down now - Ta'Nehisis Coates preaches!

From Truthout:  Two ways racists kill.

From TheDailyBeast:  John Oliver says "Kill the Confederate Flag."

From Intercept:  Only Muslims can be terrorists and not a white boy who slaughtered 9 Black people.

From GuardianUK: Jesse Jackson says we need more than prayer in the wake of Emanuel AME shooting.

From YahooPolitics:  Denmark Vesey, an American hero, finally gets a statue.

From TheNewYorker:  Charleston and the age of Obama.

From YahooNews:  I wouldn't forgive Dylann Roof, him or his Klanly... err... family.

From SPLC:  Southern Poverty Law Center statement on Emanuel AME shooting.

From YahooNews:  South Carolina State Senator, pastor Clementa Pinckney, among victims at Emanuel AME Church shooting.

From GuardianUK:  More on Pastor Pinckney.

From YahooNews:  What Dylann Roof said to his victims in Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.


From TheDailyBeast:  More pool trouble for Black children; this time in Ohio.

From the GuardianUK:  Witnesses contradict Tamir Rice's killer, Cleveland PD officer Timothy Loehmann.

From YahooNews:  New documents on Tamir Rice shooting in Cleveland.

From RSN:   Obama remembers what happened to MLK.

From GuardianUK:  Don't buy the "Ferguson Effect."

From RSN:  Baltimore explained.

From TheGuardian:  Wal-Mart: where white cops go to shoot black men, and this one is on his second killing.

From AlJazeera:  Mexico's brothel state.

From RSN:  Relatives of people killed by cops speak out.

From WashPost:  Funny: some pro-law and order talking heads insisted that the number of people being shot be cops was falling fast.

From BuzzFlash:  40 reasons our jails are full of Black and poor people.

From TPM:  White fragility.

From YahooNews:  30 years on Alabama death row for nothing.

From the WashingtonPost:  DEA steals $16,000 from a young black businessman.

From Truthout:  Police don't see black children's lives as the future, but as disposable.

From TheGuardian:  Cops stop black guys in nice cars - Chris Rock.

From Haaretz:  Black is being oppressed anywhere there is white superiority - even in Israel.

From ThePlayersTribune:  Go ahead and put a cap in that ass, David Ortiz.

From the GuardianUK:  Justice for Arfee... It will make you laugh-cry.

From  BuzzFlash:  Anti-gay Christian bigots attack Disney/ABC Family about a proposed TV series in which gay rights activist Dan Savage is a writer.

From Truthout:  The school voucher rackets begins to serve its intended purpose.

From RSN:  FBI convicted a man using hair analysis, but it was a dog's hair.

From SFGate:  Cornell West on more shootings.

From GuardianUK: Elton John and Michael Stipe on the danger of the silence around the abuse of transgender prisoners.

From YahooNews:  After a black woman wins mayoral election, white cops and politicians flee town. Hilarious.

From GuardianUK: The black guy dies at the end.  The white guy knows why.

From TIME:  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar asks who will lead Black Americans.

From WashPost:  In 2004, Texas executed a man for the arson murder of his three young daughters.  He may have been innocent.  Now, the prosecutor of that case is facing misconduct charges.

From FreeThoughtProject:  DEA does not enforce drug laws in rich communities...

From TheGuardian: Yes, White outrage at Walter Scott shooting is not enough.

From Truthout:  Hip hop and Palestine.

From BuzzFlash: Accusations of being Jewish, then a suicide - strange goings in Missouri GOP.

From RSN:  The roots of American racism run deep.  Sho' nuff.

From Quartz: The power of Chris Rock's police-stop selfies.

From AmsterdamNews:  Mumia is in a diabetic coma.

From TheNewYorker:  Seymour Hersh returns to My Lai.

From Mashable: Banksy in Gaza.

From BuzzFlash:  The American terrorism of lynching.

From YahooSports:  College baseball player loses his gig for ugly thing he said about Little League World Series heroine, Mo'ne Davis.

From NPR via RSN:  A Black Mississippi judge's speech to three white murderers of a black man.

From NPR:  The power of Malcolm X as a public speaker.

From YahooNews:  ESPN's Steven A. Smith encourages Blacks to vote Republican in an argument that is familiar.

From Time:  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on MLK Day.

From RSN:  "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" by Dr. Martin Luther King

From RSN:  Free speech in France... except for Muslim students.

From the WashingtonPost:  I didn't believe this statistic until I started working at LSU Graphic Services, when I discovered how many semi-literate white people held positions for which they were unqualified - as per the official requirements for their jobs.  Some made more money than Black employees with college degrees, and more shockingly, and also instructors and professors.

From YahooNews:  A Univision personality is fired for comparing First Lady Michelle Obama to Planet of the Apes.

From BuzzFlash:  Black man in Louisiana gets over 13 years for pot.

From AlJazeeraAmerica:  We need the Black Panthers.

From TheGuardian:  "The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site' "

From DemocracyNow:  Malcolm X remembered 50 years after his assassination.

From RSN:  Americans need fair housing free of discrimination, says Richard Trumka

From Truthout:  Update on Marissa Alexander who could not stand her ground in Florida as George Zimmerman.

From the NationalPost:  In Quebec, a young woman was locked in the back of a police truck with a man who then, raped here.

From NPR:  There is also a war on Black girls.

From ConsortiumNews:  How Jefferson Davis' name is synonymous with violence against African-Americans, especially in the form of lynching.

From AlJazeera:  In Hollywood, black lives don't matter (related to Oscars' snub of "Selma")

From Truthout:  Everything is not peach in LGBT equality.

From YahooSports:  The story of Brian Banks - falsely accused of rape, his college football and NFL dreams were destroyed.  Now, he works for the NFL.

From AlJazeera:  2014 is the year that the myth of equality under the law in America was exposed.

From CrooksandLiars:  More on the white man who shot the Black chief of police and got away with it.  By the way, a bulletproof vest saved the police chief's life.

From YahooNews:  South Florida cops shooting at mug shots of Black men.

From TheGuardian:  Yeah, why did they?

From TIME:  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: The police aren't under attack...

From BuzzFlash:  Yes, the media does seem reluctant to call white supremacists and Christian fundamentalists terrorists when they commit acts of terrorists.

From Truthout:  The modern day lynching of Rev. Edward Pickney in Michigan.

From LATimes: Exonerated and broke.

From AlterNet:  A great review of the new film, Selma.

From YahooParenting:  7 things I can do that my black son can't.

From CNN:  I remember hearing about Macy's racial profiling case, but not this one involving "Treme" actor, Robert Brown.

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