Monday, October 21, 2024

Comics Review: "PRODIGY: Slaves of Mars #3" - Remembers it for You Wholesale


STORY: Mark Millar
ART: Stefano Landini
COLORS: Michele Assarasakorn
LETTERS: Clem Robins
EDITOR: Daniel Chabon
EDITORIAL: Sarah Unwin
COVER: Stefano Landini with Michele Assarasakorn
32pp, Color, $4.99 U.S. (October 2024)

Rated M / Mature

Prodigy created by Mark Millar at Netflix

Prodigy: Slaves of Mars is a five-issue comic book miniseries produced by writer Mark Millar.  It is the third entry in the Prodigy series, following the original 2018-19 six-issue miniseries, Prodigy, and the 2022 miniseries, Prodigy: The Icarus Society.  This new series' creative team is comprised of artist Stefano Landini; colorist Michele Assarasakorn; and letterer Clem Robins.  Prodigy focuses on the adventures of the world's smartest man, Edison Crane.

In Prodigy: Slaves of Mars, Edison returns to New York City from an adventure in the Himalayas to find his company, Crane Solutions, in disarray.  He also learns that his father, the former Senator Whitney Crane, is dead on Mars after discovering some shocking secret.  Now, a wanted man, Edison only has one person left to whom he can turn.  That would be his older, smarter brother, Elijah Crane.

Prodigy: Slaves of Mars #3 opens with the Crane brothers still on the run.  Froth Schroeder, the man who tore down Edison's life and likely killed their father, continues to hunt them.  He's also closer to them than they realize.

Edison and Elijah have to team up in order to find out who murdered their father, and that investigation might take them to a secret colony on the surface of Mars.  First, however, there is going to be a never-to-be-forgotten fight at the White House Press Association Dinner

THE LOWDOWN:  This is the second time that I have been on any kind of list that provides PDF copies of titles published by Dark Horse Comics.  The latest title to mark my return is Prodigy: Slaves of Mars #3.

Of course, Prodigy: Slaves of Mars #3 is a blast to read, just as the first two issues were.  Writer Mark Millar teases us with more of his obsessions with “Ancient Aliens” and secret space programs.  You already know about Millar's love of secrets and conspiracies if you have read Prodigy: The Icarus Society #1 or read Prodigy: The Evil Earth, the trade collection of the first miniseries.

The art team of illustrator Stefano Landini and colorist Michele Assarasakorn continues to throw caution to the wind.  They present graphical storytelling that races from page to page in a loose drawing style and muted coloring style that captures the weird aesthetic of this franchise.  As always, Clem Robins provides the perfect soundtrack to this chapter with his classic lettering.

Prodigy is back.  The Slaves of Mars are calling us.  Don't be a fool, dear readers; get this.

I READS YOU RECOMMENDS:  Fans of Mark Millar and of his comic book, Prodigy, will want to read Prodigy: Slaves of Mars.


Reviewed by Leroy Douresseaux a.k.a "I Reads You"

The text is copyright © 2024 Leroy Douresseaux. All Rights Reserved. Contact this blog or site for reprint and syndication rights and fees.


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