Saturday, October 5, 2024

Comics Review: "NEMESIS: ROGUES' GALLERY #3" - Enter the Rogues


STORY: Mark Millar
ART: Valerio Giangiordano
COLORS: Lee Loughridge
LETTERS: Clem Robins
EDITOR: Daniel Chabon
COVER: Valerio Giangiordano with Lee Loughridge
32pp, Color, $4.99 U.S. (October 2024)

Age range: 14+

Nemesis created by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven

Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery is a five-issue comic book miniseries from writer Mark Millar.  It is a sequel to the miniseries, Nemesis Reloaded (2023) and Big Game (2023).  Published by Dark Horse comics, the new series finds the super-killer, Nemesis, on a mission of revenge.  Rogues' Gallery is drawn by Valerio Giangiordano; colored by Lee Loughridge; and lettered by Clem Robins.

Nemesis: Rogues Gallery finds Nemesis on a mission to once again be the world's greatest super-villain. Now, out for revenge against everyone who wronged him, Nemesis must rebuild his empire and his fortune... this time with a sidekick, Pedro Hernandez, following him every step of the way.

Nemesis: Rogues Gallery #3 opens after Nemesis and Pedro enjoy a night of debauchery.  They steal weapons and tech in preparation for a big score at a charity auction being held by billionaire, Adrian Zigo.  However, Nemesis does not realize that the family of some of his victims have also come to possess super-tech technology.

THE LOWDOWN:  This is the second time that I have been on any kind of list that provides PDF copies of titles published by Dark Horse Comics.  I mark my return with Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery #3.

Mark Millar continues to deliver the ultimate modern super-villain comic book.  In this third issue, Millar offers lots of really dark, really black comedy.  He also throws a wrinkle into Nemesis pimp game with a new complication.

Artist Valerio Giangiordano has taken Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery down a different path, both visually and graphically in terms of story, from that of the franchise's earlier artists.  Valerio captures all the darkness, vileness, and evil in Nemesis and places him at the heart of some nasty, hard-hitting storytelling.  With this issue, he gives the narrative its deranged, edgy comedy vibe, proving this character is not one note.  Colorist Lee Loughridge, who knows how to deal with “the dark,” perfectly accentuates Valerio's storytelling with colors that suggest murder, both muted and glaring.  Letterer Clem Robins captures the deranged narcissism of the lead in this new series.

Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery promises to be a good time, which is has delivered, thus far.  It may also end up being the best evil Batman comic book in ages.

I READS YOU RECOMMENDS:  Fans of Mark Millar's comic books and of Valerio Giangiordano's art will desire Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery.


Reviewed by Leroy Douresseaux a.k.a. "I Reads You"

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