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Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Comics Review: "DARK BLOOD #3" Races with the Devils
STORY: LaToya Morgan
ART: Moisés Hidalgo
LETTERS: Andworld Design
EDITOR: Dafna Pleban
COVER: Valentine De Landro
VARIANT COVER ARTISTS: Juni Ba; Valentine De Landro; Christian Ward
24pp, Colors, 3.99 U.S. (September 2021)
Dark Blood created by LaToya Morgan
Dark Blood is a new six-issue comic book miniseries created and written by screenwriter LaToya Morgan (AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” “Into The Badlands”). Published by BOOM! Studios, the series is drawn by Walt Barna and Moisés Hidalgo; colored by A.H.G.; and lettered by Andworld Design. The series focuses on a Black World War II veteran who discovers that he has strange new abilities.
Alabama, 1955. After leaving his job at the diner, “Hardy's Eats,” Avery Aldridge, also known as “Double A,” has a fateful encounter with a racist. Double A is a highly decorated World War II soldier, a former fighter pilot, a member of the soon-to-be-legendary “Red Tails.” He is expected to act like a boy … when he is actually a very powerful man. But this is “The Night of the Variance,” and everything is going to start to change – even the things some don't want changed.
Dark Blood #3 opens in 1945, ten years before the Variance. In Alabama, Emma Aldridge, Avery's wife, feels the penetrating eyes of a member of the local wolf pack, also known as a police officer, specifically Officer Wright. Meanwhile, near the Austrian border, Avery and a fellow pilot race for safety with another kind of wolf pack, in the form of a Nazi commandant and his soldiers, nipping at their heels.
Ten years later, back in the present, it is the “Night of the Variance.” Once again, Emma evades a wolf, while Avery runs away from one. As he did a decade before, Avery will once again have to decide when he should stop running and turn around and start fighting.
THE LOWDOWN: The indignities that Avery Aldridge suffers in Dark Blood #2 are familiar to me because I have experienced some of them and others were told to me via first hand or second hand accounts. A theme that runs throughout Dark Blood, thus far, is the notion that Black people are often being hunted. Sometimes, even being watched is a form of being hunted; the difference is that the hunter hunts with his stare or gaze.
Television writer-producer LaToya Morgan (AMC's “TURN: Washington's Spies”) offers in Dark Blood a comic book that flows through multiple genres, including science fiction and fantasy, horror, history, and reality-based drama, to name a few. As a television writer, she knows how to deliver action, suspense, and thrills along with the character drama. And Dark Blood #3 offers the thrill of the hunt.
This third issue finds husband and wife, Avery and Emma Aldridge, living and surviving on the razor's edge more than once, over two time periods. It would not be inappropriate to compare this issue's hunters, Alabama law enforcement and Nazi military personnel to one another. After all, one was the teacher of codified racism, and the other was the student. [I'll let you, dear readers, figure out which was which.]
Morgan delivers Dark Blood's most taut thrills and fraught drama, thus far, and this time she has a different artist as her creative partner. Moisés Hidalgo, who drew a few pages of Dark Blood #2, returns to draw Dark Blood #3's dark nights of pursuit to life. Hidalgo's compositions seem inspired by the surreal madness of Steve Ditko's comics and also the impressionism and and wild-eyed emotions of Japanese manga. Here, Hidalgo makes the reader feel, as if he refuses to allow the reader to experience Morgan's story only in a rational way. His art wants us to be fearful, desperate, and even irrational. While reading this issue, I believed that I had to feel this story if I was really going to have a chance of understanding the characters' plights.
Once again, I must praise A.H.G.'s coloring for Dark Blood. I read comiXology's digital editions of Dark Blood when I am reviewing the series, and A.H.G.'s colors look gorgeous in this format. The coloring makes Dark Blood's interiors look like pages from a vintage comic book, so Dark Blood seems to be not a comic book about the past, but a comic book from the past. It is like a memento from a time capsule, a story that has been waiting for us.
Strangely, Dark Blood #3 confirms what I have been thinking since I started reading this series. Dark Blood is the comic book that some comic book readers need and have needed for a long time, though some may only discover this later via a Dark Blood trade paperback. So, once gain, I highly recommend Dark Blood.
I READS YOU RECOMMENDS: Fans of modern science fiction and dark fantasy comic books will want to drink Dark Blood.
Reviewed by Leroy Douresseaux a.k.a. "I Reads You"
Dark Blood trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzzXIYr_FrA&feature=youtu.be
Dark Blood first loook: https://www.boom-studios.com/wordpress/archives/dark-blood-1-first-look/
The text is copyright © 2021 Leroy Douresseaux. All Rights Reserved. Contact this blog or site for reprint and syndication rights and fees.
Amazon wants me to inform you that the affiliate link below is a PAID AD, but I technically only get paid (eventually) if you click on the affiliate link below AND buy something(s).
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Comics Review: "DARK BLOOD #2": Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing, Baby
STORY: LaToya Morgan
ART: Walt Barna with Moisés Hidalgo (pp. 10-12, 19)
LETTERS: Andworld Design
EDITOR: Dafna Pleban
COVER: Valentine De Landro
VARIANT COVER ARTISTS: Juni Ba; Valentine De Landro; Taurin Clarke
24pp, Colors, 3.99 U.S.(August 2021)
Dark Blood created by LaToya Morgan
Dark Blood is a new six-issue comic book miniseries created and written by screenwriter LaToya Morgan (AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” “Into The Badlands”). Published by BOOM! Studios, the series is drawn by Walt Barna; colored by A.H.G.; and lettered by Andworld Design. The series focuses on a Black World War II veteran who discovers that he has strange new abilities.
Alabama, 1955. After leaving his job at the diner, “Hardy's Eats,” Avery Aldridge, also known as “Double A,” has a fateful encounter with a racist. Double A is a highly decorated World War II soldier, a former fighter pilot, a member of the soon-to-be-legendary “Red Tails.” He is expected to act like a boy … when he is actually a very powerful man. But this is “The Night of the Variance,” and everything is going to start to change – even the things some don't want changed.
Dark Blood #2 opens six months before the Variance and reflects that which occupies Avery's oft-troubled mind. He thinks of his wife, Emma, and their daughter, Grace Emmadell. We see his life in “Vale Junction,” a small Black community where everyone knows him and loves Emma's “Vale Junction Book Mobile.” Even his wartime experiences, especially from a particular time in Austria, circa 1945, flits in and out of Avery's memories.
However, reality intrudes after an altercation leaves Avery hurt. Dr. Carlisle, a white university doctor, is the unlikely bystander who steps in to help, offering Avery immediate first aid. As luck … would have it, Dr. Carlisle also operates a clinic “right outside of town on the old Rickman Farm” where he offers free medical care. But nothing is really free...
THE LOWDOWN: The indignities that Avery Aldridge suffers in Dark Blood #2 are familiar to me because I have experienced some of them and others were told to me via first hand or second hand accounts. I admire a writer who can take such things and transform them into drama. When a writer takes reality and inflicts it on make-believe people in a way that hits the audience in the soft spots (the heart, the soul, the mind), that is some mighty powerful storytelling.
Television writer-producer LaToya Morgan (AMC's “TURN: Washington's Spies”) offers in Dark Blood a comic book that is both science fiction-fantasy/horror and historical or reality-based drama. She makes the Jim Crow world in her corner of Alabama truly an awful place, but at the same time, she presents in Vale Junction a Black community permeated with love and possibilities. And that was the world that Black Americans lived not that long ago.
There are times when Avery suffers the insults of White people, and I can feel the hoary ghost of Nat Turner scratching at every window of my soul. A documentary film or a work of journalism in our world would take Avery's experiences and attempt to engage our intellect. Great drama takes those same experiences and engages our soul and ensnares our imagination. It is through such mighty and imaginative drama that Morgan makes Dark Blood work as serialized fiction, a kind of fantastic fiction born in our reality based histories.
By page design and panel composition, artist Walt Barna brings the compelling drama of Dark Blood #2 to life. With each panel, he is like a photographer working the right angles and capturing the perfect moments as he builds this chapter/issue. There are also some beautifully drawn pages by guest artist Moisés Hidalgo. Of course, A.H.G.'s gorgeous colors shift with the winds of Avery's memories, as well as with the linear jooks of Morgan's narratives. So I credit the colors with forcing me to pay attention to the graphics throughout Dark Blood, especially this second issue.
After reading the first issue, I thought that LaToya Morgan, Walt Barna, A.H.G., and Andworld Design were off to a most excellent start, offering something that had great promise. Dark Blood #2 aggressively delivers on that great promise.
I READS YOU RECOMMENDS: Fans of modern science fiction and dark fantasy comic books will want to drink Dark Blood.
Reviewed by Leroy Douresseaux a.k.a. "I Reads You"
Dark Blood trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzzXIYr_FrA&feature=youtu.be
Dark Blood first loook: https://www.boom-studios.com/wordpress/archives/dark-blood-1-first-look/
The text is copyright © 2021 Leroy Douresseaux. All Rights Reserved. Contact this blog or site for reprint and syndication rights and fees.
Amazon wants me to inform you that the affiliate link below is a PAID AD, but I technically only get paid (eventually) if you click on the affiliate link below AND buy something(s).
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Comics Review: "DARK BLOOD #1" is Hot Blooded
STORY: LaToya Morgan
ART: Walt Barna
LETTERS: Andworld Design
EDITOR: Dafna Pleban
COVER: Valentine De Landro
VARIANT COVER ARTISTS: Juni Ba; Dan Mora; Valentine De Landro; Marcus Williams; Javan Jordan; Mico Suayan; Felix Icarus Morales with Robert Nugent; David Sanchez with Omi Remalante; Karen S. Darboe; Ingrid Gala; Marco Rudy
24pp, Colors, 3.99 U.S.(July 2021)
Dark Blood created by LaToya Morgan
Dark Blood is a new six-issue comic book miniseries created and written by screenwriter LaToya Morgan (AMC’s "The Walking Dead," "Into The Badlands"). Published by BOOM! Studios, the series is drawn by Walt Barna; colored by A.H.G.; and lettered by Andworld Design. The series focuses on an Black World War II veteran who discovers that he has strange new abilities.
Dark Blood #1 opens in Alabama, 1955. It's night. Avery Aldridge, also known as “Double A,” is leaving his job at the diner, “Hardy's Eats.” In the alley, he has a fateful encounter with a racist. Double A is a highly decorated World War II soldier, a former fighter pilot, a member of the soon-to-be-legendary “Red Tails.” He is expected to act like a boy … when he is actually a very powerful, grown-ass man. But this is “The Night of the Variance,” and everything is going to start to change – even the things some don't want changed.
THE LOWDOWN: As I much as I love the original Star Wars movies and a number of classic Walt Disney animated features (Peter Pan), my all-time favorite movie moment occurs in 1967's In the Heat of the Night. Involuntarily assigned to a homicide case in Sparta Mississippi, Philadelphia police detective Virgil Tibbs (played by Sidney Poitier) is interviewing a suspect, a local and powerful rich white man named Endicott (Larry Gates), when Endicott slaps him in the face. Tibbs slaps him right back. The first time I saw Tibbs slap Endicott, it took my breath away … and it still does.
Television writer-producer LaToya Morgan (AMC's "TURN: Washington's Spies") offers a sci-fi/horror spin on Tibbs' slap as the spine of the first issue of her new comic book, Dark Blood. This time, the confrontation is longer, and Avery Aldridge's response is made a bit more complicated, partly because he seems unstuck in time. Morgan does everything to tell her readers a lot by whetting their appetites for more, because they don't know the half of it, and she makes that “it” intriguing.
For all that I am intrigued by Dark Blood #1's story and concept, this first issue is also a showcase for the art team of illustrator Walt Barna and colorist A.H.G. Barna's compositions are some of the most convincing period art that I have seen in a modern comic book in years. Barna's Alabama, 1955 looks so “old-timey” that I could believe that it is something Barna drew at least half-a-century ago. Barna's aerial sequences depicting Aldridge's time as a Red Tail reminds me of the comic book art one might find in EC Comics' legendary war comic book, Aces High (1955).
A.H.G.'s colors are gorgeous and also from a time machine. If I didn't know better, I would say he hand-colored this comic book and manually separated those colors in a back office at a NYC-based comic book publisher – in days gone by. Seriously, his colors shimmer, but are also earthy, and they make the storytelling's time periods look and feel authentic.
And I always enjoy Andworld Design's lettering, which is always stylish in a way that brings immediacy and power to the drama. So LaToya Morgan, Walt Barna, A.H.G., and Andworld Design are off to a most excellent start, and Dark Blood #1 sparkles with promise.
I READS YOU RECOMMENDS: Fans of modern science fiction and dark fantasy comic books will want to drink Dark Blood.
Reviewed by Leroy Douresseaux a.k.a. "I Reads You"
Dark Blood trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzzXIYr_FrA&feature=youtu.be
Dark Blood first loook: https://www.boom-studios.com/wordpress/archives/dark-blood-1-first-look/
The text is copyright © 2021 Leroy Douresseaux. All Rights Reserved. Contact this blog or site for reprint and syndication rights and fees.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
#28DaysofBlack Review: All Black Cast is Glorious in "CARMEN JONES"
[For her performance as the title character in Carmen Jones, Dorothy Dandridge became the first African-American actress to be nominated for the “Academy Award for Best Actress.” Dandridge was also the first Black actor nominated for an Oscar in a leading role category, besting by four years Sidney Poitier, the first Black man nominated for “Best Actor in a Leading Role” (for 1958's The Defiant Ones). Dandridge was dead a little under 11 years after the release of Carmen Jones.]
TRASH IN MY EYE No. 5 of 2021 (No. 1743) by Leroy Douresseaux
Carmen Jones (1954)
Running time: 105 minutes (1 hour, 45 minutes)
WRITERS: Harry Kleiner (screenplay); Oscar Hammerstein 2nd (lyrics and book); (based on the opera by Georges Bizet)
EDITOR: Louis R. Loeffler
COMPOSERS: Herschel Burke Gilbert (musical director); Georges Bizet (original music)
Academy Award nominee
Starring: Harry Belafonte, Dorothy Dandridge, Pearl Bailey, Olga James, Joe Adams, Brock Peters, Roy Daniels, Nick Stewart, and Diahann Carroll
Carmen Jones is a 1954 American musical film produced and directed by Otto Preminger. It is a film version of Oscar Hammerstein II's 1943 stage musical, Carmen Jones. Hammerstein wrote the book (story) and lyrics to Carmen Jones and set them to the music of Georges Bizet's 1875 opera, Carmen. However, Carmen Jones is a contemporary version of the Bizet opera, with new lyrics, and it features a lead cast of all African-American and black actors.
Carmen Jones is set during World War II. The story opens as a young woman, Cindy Lou (Olga James), arrives at the “Parachute Division” of A.J. Gardner Manufacturing Corp. (apparently located in North Carolina), where U.S. Army soldiers provide security. Cindy Lou is there to meet her betrothed, Corporal Joe (Harry Belafonte), a young soldier who is about to enter flight officers training school. But Cindy Lou isn't the only young woman with her eye on Joe.
Carmen Jones (Dorothy Dandridge) is an employee at the parachute factory. One of her fellow employees describes Carmen as a “hip-swinging floozie.” She arrives late to work wearing a loud red skirt, and she shamelessly declares that he wants Joe – mainly because she is attracted to men who play hard to get with her. Joe seems bound and determined to focus only on Cindy Lou, and, in fact, he wants to marry her right away.
However, after Carmen gets in a fight with another female employee, scheming Sgt. Brown (Brock Peters) orders Joe to take Carmen to a civilian jail in the town of Masonville, which is over fifty miles away from the parachute plant. Fate and circumstance seemed bound and determined to bring Carmen Jones and Corporal Joe together, but the cards and the spirits seem to say they are bound for tragedy.
When it comes to Carmen Jones the musical film, I can take it or leave it. Oh, I enjoyed it enough, and some of the songs actually tickles my senses. For me, the joy of Carmen Jones is its magnificent cast. It is a shame how things were for African-American actors and performers in film back in those days. This cast includes actors who should have dominated their craft and profession.
When Dorothy Dandridge first appears as Carmen Jones, she cuts through this film like a red hot knife through butter, and it is not only because of the hot red skirt she wears, which could launch a thousand ships. Her presence is glorious, and director Otto Preminger clearly makes her the center of the film – as if he had a choice. Because Dandridge, who was a singer, did not sing opera, she does not sing in the film; her singing voice is dubbed by Marilyn Horne, but Dandrige's lip-syncing is so convincing that it is hard to believe that she is actually not singing. I can see why she captured the imaginations of enough voters in the Academy Awards to earn a “Best Actress” Oscar nomination as Carmen.
That is saying something considering that Harry Belafonte as Joe throws off quite a bit of energy himself. When he wants to, Belafonte moves about like a panther, all power and lightning. Belafonte's name appears first onscreen among the performers, and he acquits himself very, very well. Belafonte's singing voice is also dubbed (by LeVern Hutcherson), but he also does some powerful lip-syncing, probably because he is also a singer.
If there is another actress in Carmen Jones packing as much dynamite as Dandridge, it is Pearl Bailey as Frankie, one of Carmen's friends. Wow! I am almost without words to describe how mesmerizing Bailey is the moment. When she sings “Beat Out Dat Rhythm on a Drum (Gypsy Song),” Bailey pumps so much sexual heat into the film that I am surprised that scene did not get cut out by censors.
So I recommend Carmen Jones to anyone ready to see that an all-black cast can be magnetic on the screen. They can be sexy and alluring and make you want to follow them on any adventure. They can transport you to another world, and … they make Carmen Jones much more than it could have been.
8 of 10
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
1955 Academy Awards, USA: 2 nominations: “Best Actress in a Leading Role” (Dorothy Dandridge) and “Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture” (Herschel Burke Gilbert)
1955 Golden Globes, USA: 2 wins: “Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical” and “Most Promising Newcomer – Male” (Joe Adams)
1956 BAFTA Awards: 2 nominations: “Best Film from any Source” (USA) and “Best Foreign Actress” (Dorothy Dandridge-USA)
The text is copyright © 2021 Leroy Douresseaux. All Rights Reserved. Contact this blog or site for syndication rights and fees.
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Monday, May 18, 2020
NatGeo Celebrates 75th Anniversary of V-E Day, May 21st
“This is a solemn but glorious hour.” - President Harry S. Truman - The White House Oval Office, May 8, 1945
Beginning May 21, at 8/7c, WWII IN EUROPE: VOICES FROM THE FRONT, Narrated by ABC News’ Bob Woodruff, Features First-Person Accounts From Some of the Last Surviving Veterans of World War II
Experience the Stories of the Legendary Airmen who Shifted the Fate of World War II in HEROES OF THE SKY: THE MIGHTY EIGHTH AIR FORCE Premiering May 21, at 9/8c
World War II Commemorative Specials Complement National Geographic Magazine’s June Cover Issue "The Last Voices of World War II"
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--On May 8, 1945, the Allied forces formally accepted the surrender of Nazi Germany, officially bringing an end to World War II in Europe. This historic event, which became known as Victory in Europe Day, or V-E Day, offered a long-awaited moment of hope and celebration for millions of people around the world whose lives had been gripped by turmoil, overwhelming devastation and heartbreaking loss throughout the breadth of the war.
“We look at history in order to understand our past and inform our future”
In observance of the 75th anniversary of the pivotal day, National Geographic gives voice to those who were on the front lines of the global war that took the lives of an estimated 66-85 million people. On Thursday, May 21, 2020, the network is programming a full day of World War II content underscored by two primetime original premieres, beginning at 8/7c. The specials combine thousands of hours of research, interviews and original footage that give viewers an intimate account of the epic war told through historians as well as those who experienced the war firsthand.
Beginning at 8/7c, WWII IN EUROPE: VOICES FROM THE FRONT, narrated by ABC News’ Bob Woodruff, offers viewers a chance to hear from some of the last remaining voices of a war that forever changed the world. Giving attention to a full range of those who experienced the war in Europe, including the Allied Powers and the Axis Power of Germany, the one-hour special uniquely presents vivid memories from more than three quarters of a century ago.
Told using rarely seen archival footage and photographs and dozens of interviews, WWII IN EUROPE: VOICES FROM THE FRONT captures the moment of jubilation and remembrance when people around the world learned that the European chapter of the second world war had drawn to an end. From New York’s famed Times Square to London’s Piccadilly Circus to Moscow’s Red Square, the special captures how that moment represented different meanings to all who were involved.
At 9/8c, the two-hour special HEROES OF THE SKY: THE MIGHTY EIGHTH AIR FORCE introduces viewers to the courageous men of the legendary Eighth Air Force of the United States. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States officially entered the war as Nazi Germany stood at the pinnacle of its power, occupying most of Europe. To take the fight to the enemy, suddenly, the Eighth Air Force was called into action and entered the brutal air war over Europe.
HEROES OF THE SKY: THE MIGHTY EIGHTH AIR FORCE features recollections of the brave men from the U.S. Eighth Air Force who entered the cockpit mission after mission, knowing that their call to duty was a likely death sentence. Integrating the airmen’s own words from personal diary entries, letters to loved ones and previous interviews, the special seamlessly draws from more than 1,000 hours of rare and never-before-seen intimate footage to tell the incredible story of the heroic figures in “The Mighty Eighth.”
“We look at history in order to understand our past and inform our future,” says Geoff Daniels, executive vice president of global unscripted entertainment at National Geographic. “At National Geographic, we combine our trademark access and our commitment to historical accuracy to deliver authentic, meaningful content to our viewers. As we approach the 75th anniversary of V-E Day, it’s more important than ever to revisit and remember this crucial time in world history and to ensure that these stories live on for generations to come.”
National Geographic’s full day of World War II remembrance programming features the very best historical programming, including premieres of the Europe from Above series and re-airings of top specials, such as Nazi Underworld, Inside the SS: Rise to Power and Hitler’s Last Year. The day’s full programming line-up is below.
The June issue of National Geographic magazine features a cover story commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII. The cover feature shares the stories of some of the last surviving veterans of the conflict from seven countries through a series of interviews and photographs. Subjects include still-living members of the military and those affected by the war from both the Allied and Axis powers of the time, including the United States, the Soviet Union, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and others. The June issue cover story, "The Last Voices of World War II," will be available online at natgeo.com/WWII on May 6.
WWII IN EUROPE: VOICES FROM THE FRONT is produced by National Geographic. Christine Weber serves as executive producer. The special is produced, written and directed by Chad Cohen. Bethany Jones is associate producer.
HEROES OF THE SKY: THE MIGHTY EIGHTH AIR FORCE is produced by National Geographic and Lou Reda Productions. For Lou Reda Productions, Scott L. Reda, Marc L. Reda and Bruce Kennedy serve as executive producers and Anthony Buzzetti serves as supervising producer. The two-hour special is directed and edited by David Jakubovic. For National Geographic, Simon Raikes and Francesca Johnson are executive producers.
About National Geographic Partners
National Geographic Partners LLC (NGP), a joint venture between The Walt Disney Company and the National Geographic Society, is committed to bringing the world premium science, adventure and exploration content across an unrivaled portfolio of media assets. NGP combines the global National Geographic television channels (National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo WILD, Nat Geo MUNDO, Nat Geo PEOPLE) with National Geographic’s media and consumer-oriented assets, including National Geographic magazines; National Geographic studios; related digital and social media platforms; books; maps; children’s media; and ancillary activities that include travel, global experiences and events, archival sales, licensing and e-commerce businesses. Furthering knowledge and understanding of our world has been the core purpose of National Geographic for 132 years, and now we are committed to going deeper, pushing boundaries, going further for our consumers … and reaching millions of people around the world in 172 countries and 43 languages every month as we do it. NGP returns 27 percent of our proceeds to the nonprofit National Geographic Society to fund work in the areas of science, exploration, conservation and education. For more information visit natgeotv.com or nationalgeographic.com, or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
About Lou Reda Productions
In the 1970s, Lou Reda, a decorated World War II veteran turned television producer, started Lou Reda Productions after seeing a need and opportunity in television to create historical documentaries through a fresh lens that would examine and bring to light the issues of the day. The company was propelled to the national stage when Reda produced the first syndicated television series for Viacom, and later, the acclaimed CBS scripted miniseries “The Blue and the Gray.”
Nearly five decades later, Lou Reda Productions’ humble beginnings have led to over 600 hours of programming for domestic and international networks and the amassing of the largest privately-owned film archive – Reda Archives, LLC – in the United States. The company has received immense praise and numerous awards from the industry, including a People’s Choice Award, Peabody Award, and Primetime Emmy Award (including nine nominations).
Now known as Reda Films, the company has expanded into formatted and scripted television. From a documentary about the intersection of sci-fi and rock & roll, to a formatted series about the dissection of ordinary objects, to a scripted series about Prohibition-era Mississippi, Reda Films has one mandate when developing new content for film and television: to bring to light stories that are underrepresented or told from an atypical point of view. By telling these stories, Reda Films continues to solidify itself as a leading producer of important and thought-provoking contemporary work.